Thursday, January 30, 2020

Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off Essay Example for Free

Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off Essay Suggestions have been raised over the child benefits in United States. For example, Iain Duncan Smith’s suggested that child-related benefits should be limited to two offspring in a family. The fight against the child benefits aren’t justified as they are ill treated. The move should be encouraged as it has helped a good number of the families in the country, in addition limiting the benefit to only a handful (two) children in a family, it doesn’t really play the intended role in the society. Contrary to this, the government should be encouraged to continue with the child benefits program as it has been a gain to a big number of families. Despite the need to have family planning aspects among the people to control the number of children at each family, the child benefit from the government should still remain (Liz, 2014). Child benefit or better still child allowance is a social security payment distributed to parents, children or guardians which highly dependent on the number of children in a family. the child benefit has been effective in helping to support children from less advantaged families which has enables them access essential human needs such a education, food and such. The anti- child benefit campaigns should be shunned as the move is more beneficial to a good number of people and children in the society. Scrubbing the project would land more families especially the poor ones which cannot afford human basic wants. In other words it is the cash expenditure to families with kids not considering their parents income. The advantage amount may vary by the ordinal arrangement of the child, the age of the child, and/or the employment status of the parent. In addition to being of great benefit to the families and children, the benefit helps with extra cost to the families on the extra cost of children. The benefit also includes benefits for women who are pregnant or who have just given birth. The benefits are also helpful to partners whose partners have given birth, people who adopt, tax credits among other benefits. The benefit is essential when one has a responsibility for a child or a young person. In addition to child benefit, there is also the child tax credit. The benefit is also intertwined with the guardians allowances as well as both are meant to help children below the age of 18. The redeployment of income from childless households to families with children, in appreciation of the heavier financial weight incurred by child-rearing (Liz, 2014). Moreover, in order to enjoy the benefits of the child benefit, the benefiting families aren’t required to contribute any national insurance contribution and this in turn comes as gain to the poor families. In addition, the benefit isn’t offered to children who might be under the custody or in prison. In case of child death that was on the child benefit plan, the benefits continue to be given to the family for the next eight weeks. However, despite the benefit behind the child benefit payment, families should be encouraged to practice family planning in order to be able to raise the number of children whom they can comfortably support. The move is however, beneficial in case of calamities such as misfortunes and unemployment’s incase of the parents (Liz, 2014). The child benefit has been beneficial and should be maintained in order to keep boosting the upbringing of the children especially in the financially unstable family. In addition, when the parents loose their jobs they still have the chance to provide for their children, such as food and education. The benefit for the program is numerous and they outweigh the downside of the program. This program is one of the government programs for the grants to the people which have gone miles in assisting less fortunate families financially. A good number countries offer higher benefits levels or supplements for children with disabilities. Family allowances and child benefits are viewed as an instrument that can foster societal cohesion and progress and in turn should be maintained. The benefits also help in strengthening labor force attachments in the country and hence shouldn’t be abolished. Last and not the least, the benefit helps in supplementing the incomes of poor and modest income families with children as a means of reducing or preventing poverty. In conclusion, it’s clear that, the child benefit program is more beneficial to community, and in turn should be maintained. This means the anti-child benefit campaigns should be shunned as the program is of great help to the people. Article (II) Student Behaviour One of the driving forces behind the motivation of teachers in the school is the student behaviours. Badly behaved students are subject to putting off their teachers from the teaching profession. Teachers and school staff understands the changes encountered by students in school and provides them with relevant information and support needed. However, the dedication of the teachers and the staff depends much on the student behaviour and in most cases good behaved students encourages their teachers into the teaching profession. Contrary to this, badly behaved students and teachers are a discouraging factor to the teachers as they put them off from the teaching profession. It is ‘however’ true the student behaviour plays an important role in motivating and maintaining teachers into the profession. The survey is a true reflection of the teachers experience and the parent’s negligence in moulding their children’s behaviour (Jessica, 2014). ‘Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off’ was a survey conducted by Guardian Teacher Networks which shows that a good number of teachers have once in awhile considered quitting the profession. Student and parent’s behaviour are essential towards the teacher’s performance in schools. A good number of schools have issues in reference to student behaviours in recent years, which have become a vital problem in modern society. One of factors behind poor student behaviours is collapse of family functions such as divorced family, single parenthood, and children becomes isolated. This in turn leads to bad behaviour among parents and/or students, which de-motivates the teachers. According to the survey, it is clear that, the student or the pupil’s behaviours directly influence the performance of the teachers. Bad behaviour among parents and pupils would negatively influence the teachers and in turn them off from the work. Students who develop behavioural problems from their families are a discouraging aspect to the teachers. It is believed that, pupils/learns important skills and knowledge such as morals and wisdom, which are normally learned from their parents. The survey shows that, the student behaviour is one of the driving factors behind motivated and dedicated teachers (Jessica, 2014). One of the effects of bad student behaviour is that it interferes with individual and other learner’s behaviour. This turns to a challenge for the teacher, as the behaviour challenges day to day running and functioning of schools. In addition, the parents are not helping as much as they would in eradicating negative student and pupils behaviours, hence burdening the work of the teachers purporting them to consider leaving their jobs. Nowadays, the parents have become overprotective to their children. This has not helped at all in taming negative children behaviours and in turn, the burden is left to the teacher to mould the children’s behaviour. For example, an overprotected child expects special treatment at school is in for a frustrating time, which in turn may frustrate the teacher too. The frustration may overwhelm the teacher to a point of making the job dissertation choice. In addition, parents have developed negative expectations for their children which in turn instill negative or unruly behavior in children. From the survey conducted, it’s clearly evident that, If unruly behavior is not policed with proper boundaries and a culture of respect for authority at home, teachers cannot effectively implement discipline in the classroom. In addition to negative learner’s behavior, the interference from the government demands of the teacher. 50 % of the interviewed teachers named poor pupil behavior as the main reason behind them leaving the teaching job. The unwanted student behavior influences teachers attitude towards the teaching profession, and if the unruly behavior continues, it may force the teachers to quit the teaching job. Attitude provides a frame for reference for an individual’s conduct and conditions behavior. The creation of unfavorable attitude to the teacher, elicits a reaction of avoidance or aggression towards the job or the learners (Jessica, 2014). In conclusion, it’s clear that, student and parents behavior towards the teachers as well as in the school plays a vital role in molding the teachers. The study reveals that, teacher’s motivation into teaching profession is highly dependent on the children or the learner’s behaviors. The parents are making the scenario worse by failing to support the teachers in the in order to change the learner’s negative behavior into acceptable ones. These demands and the stress accompanying the works force the teacher to quit. The survey, however suggests that since its is disruptive children whose behavior is unchecked who miss out the most on their education. Thats why we want to make sure that teachers have more freedom to clamp down on persistently bad behavior without being hampered by bureaucracy, so that teaching time is not lost because of poor behavior, and in turn prevent a stressing profession to the teachers. This would go miles in improving both the teach ers and students performance in the school. References Liz Jones. You dont pay for my cats so why should I pay for your kids? Retrieved from: On Tuesday 1 April 2014. Jessica Shepherd, ‘Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off’ ’ badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off: retrieved from On Tuesday 1 April 1, 2014. Source document

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Common Sense Essay example -- essays research papers

Common Sense. By Thomas Paine. Edited with an Introduction by Isaac Kramnic. (New York: Penguin Books, 1986).   	Recently, I acquired a copy of Thomas Paine’s most recent patriotic pamphlet, entitled Common Sense. I was immediately interested in what Paine had to say in his new work, after such powerful previous works, such as The Crisis series. I was nothing less than astonished at how Paine so powerfully conveyed his patriotic message. Paine theorizes a split between England and the colonial states. At the same time as a split is theorized, it would form a union of the colonial states into one country, united into one body on our American principles, no longer under the rule of the British Parliament and its ridiculous taxes and misrepresentation. Paine delivers one of the most compelling arguments I have heard on why there should be a division between the English and the Americans. 	The British Parliament has long been a bane to the colonists in the New World, with the passage of all their "acts" to tax us simply because we are more productive. Paine makes his contempt for the current system of government quite clear early on. "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for even we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." (65) Paine clearly believes that the English government falls into the "intolerable" category of governments. Although a system of government is a required entity in almost any society, there are much better ways to govern a people besides the British monarchal system. Paine discusses how the Parliament is set up as a representation o f the people, but what good is representation in a monarchy? The monarch still has absolute power, even though a system is set up to make it appear as though the people have a say. This lack of true representation instills a lack of trust towards the king in the British subjects. These factors create doubt in one’s mind about the strength of the British government. Paine questions the government saying: "How came the king by a power which the people are afraid to trust, ... ...umstances, a separation between England and America is crucial to the survival of America. The only factor that must be decided is when such a separation should occur. If we look to Paine’s advice, he states: "As all men allow the measure, and vary only in their opinion of the time, let us, in order to remove mistakes, take a general survey of things and endeavour if possible, to find out the very time. But we need not go far, the inquiry ceases at once, for the time hath found us." (100) Paine calls for an immediate separation from the British. As an independent nation, America could be free of England’s tyrannical government, and its absurd monarchy. No longer would we have to suffer the injustices of the British Parliament and their ridiculous taxes. We already have to protect ourselves as a nation, without British support, unless of course the English have some interest in the matter. Why not defend our selves as an independent nation? There is no poss ibility of reparations at this point in time. However, this is the key time to make our stand. If we ever have a desire to become free men, men of our own will and control, we must act now, and declare our independence.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Do You Think a Persons Life Should Be Saved Regardless of the Cost? Essay

For a religious person, the fact that life is special leads on to the concept of the sanctity of life. Christianity and Islam both believe that God was responsible for creating life originally, so it is like a gift from God, so should be preserved and respected. However, some others dont believe the same things. Some poeple believe that life forms evolved naturally over millions of years, leading to our society today, and so if it is not a ‘great gift from God’, it shouldnt matter as much if a persons life is taken under certain circumstances. Many people, be religious or not, tend to judge the quality of life on how comfortable it is or how free of pain or suffering. Others take this a step further by asking whether the individual will be able to live with freedom, dignity and, for religious believers, the possibility of accessing or experiencing God. If a persons life has all these qualities, it is seen to be a life of good quality. However, if a persons quality of life is very poor, for example due to poverty, illness or other form of suffering, then it could be viewed that it would be okay for this person to die. Almost as if letting them rest in peace would be liberating them from a life of pain and suffering. A common example where this path is taken is if a person is on life support in hospital and shows no signs of recovery over a long period of time. A lot of people would choose to turn of the life support in this situation and let them die then see their loved ones struggle for longer. The value of life is also another important consideration. Religious believers wouldn’t like to put a price tag on a life, as it is seen overall as priceless (being a gift from God). It wouldn’t be possible to attempted to save a person’s life ‘regardless of the cost’, because a price cannot be placed on a soul. However, other people would disagree a say, for example, the life of a wealthy royal is worth much more than the life of a begger or homeless person. And taking this into account, if the cost were viewed as too high for a begger, than it wouldnt be worth paying. In my opinon, a person’s life should be saved regardless of the cost. This is because everybody has the right to life and it is nobody’s place to decide who deserves it and who doesn’t. Nobody knows what a person is capable of doing in their lifetime, and if they have their life taken away, nobody ever will be able to see.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Of Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood - 1861 Words

The constitutional right to privacy protects the liberty of people to make certain crucial decisions regarding their well-being without government coercion, intimidation, or interference. The federal constitution guarantees the right of individuals to make these decisions according to their own conscience and beliefs, from the Encyclopedia-Rights of privacy rights. Furthermore, on the same website it also states that people have a right to make personal decisions regarding intimate matters; under common law, the right of people to lead their lives in a manner that is reasonably secluded from public scrutiny, whether such comes from a neighbor’s prying eyes or investigator’s eavesdropping ear, and in statutory law, the right of people to be†¦show more content†¦The most common reason why thieves steal other people’s identities is for financial gain, but recently people have also began stealing photos from social media accounts and creating fake online pro files and you can not call anyone for this situation. People can steal your photos and pretend to be you all they want and there is nothing you can do about it because this technically not a crime. Many people are affected by this type of I.D theft with foreign money scams, reputations being ruined, fake online dating profiles, being humiliated for someone’s personal amusement, and worst of all being kidnapped or killed by someone you had been talking to online but in reality is someone else. Thieves are not only people you need to worry about invading our privacy. Companies and Corporations have also been invading our privacy. Companies and Corporations have spied on us by collecting data from our online shopping habits, private emails, browser history, and even from what we watch on our televisions. In an online article by CNN it revealed that companies have been collecting and selling data without customers consent: â€Å"The collection of data is a three hundred billion- a-year industry and employs three million people in the U.S†. Recently, a number of companies have been exposed for collecting and selling data onShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood2021 Words   |  9 PagesMargaret Atwood expression on her views with education in her book Oryx and Crake shows the conflicting battle between two disciplines; science vs. humanities. Atwood describes sciences and humanities by dividing between social aspects as well as how they are viewed in society and how our education places us in this society. In Oryx and Crake, Atwood uses the terms words person and numbers person to describe the intellect of a person that places them into a category that ultimately shapes howRead MoreAnalysis Of Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood1383 Words   |  6 Pages In â€Å"Oryx and Crake† by Margaret Atwood, we are able to look at the parental relationships of Jimmy and how his relationship with his parents affected him. Jimmy comes from a family that could be described as dysfunctional. 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